Changes in TIFF v3.7.1


Current Version

v3.7.1 (tag Release-v3-7-1)

Previous Version


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This document describes the changes made to the software between the previous and current versions (see above). If you don't find something listed here, then it was not done in this timeframe, or it was not considered important enough to be mentioned. The following information is located here:

Major changes

  • This is mostly bugfix release. Most important fix is the one related to wrong custom tag read/write code.

Software configuration changes

  • aclocal and autoheader should be executed after libtoolize. Also add -I . to aclocal invocation to check current directory for macros.

  • nmake.opt: Link with the user32.lib in windowed mode. As per bug Remote Sensing bugzilla #697 [no longer available]

  • nmake.opt, make it easier to rename the libtiff DLL.

  • configure, Added --enable-rpath option to embed linker paths into library binary.

Library changes

Tools changes

  • fax2ps.c: Be able to extract the first page (#0). As per bug Remote Sensing bugzilla #690 [no longer available]

  • tiff2ps.c: Fixed wrong variable data type when read Position tags (Tristan Hill).

  • tiff2ps.c: Fixed wrong variable data type when read Resolution tags (Peter Fales).

  • tiffset.c: Check the malloc() return value (Dmitry V. Levin).

Contributed software changes

  • None.